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tv   Sheryl Sandberg What Women Want  CNN  March 23, 2013 11:30am-1:30pm PDT

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we're back at the top of the hour with more news. i am fredrika whitfield, a cnn special, what women want, cheryl sanburg. some call cheryl sandberg's book lean in the start of a new feminist revolution. sandberg says it is a sort of feminist manifesto. can it work? the 43-year-old chief executive officer of facebook says wedge can succeed if they lean into
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their careers and lean on society to make sure nature and nurture are combining to make tomorrow's female leaders. >> we expect our boys to lead and our girls to nurture. go to the playground. will you see parents call their daughters bossy, a word almost never used for our sons. >> even sandberg's critics applaud her desire to change the future but they accuse her of being out of touch with the obstacles many women are facing now. can they have successful careers and happy families? the devil is in the details. hi, i am soledad o'brien and over the next half hour we'll take a closer look at some of those details as we explore cheryl sandberg's campaign for women to lean in. >> women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world. >> men run the world. >> we continue to do the majority of the housework and
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child care. >> she has been saying it for many years and now sheryl sandberg is writing about it. >> i wrote a book called lean in, and i really want to help change the conversation on women from what we can't do to what we can. >> a prescription she spells out in hard type, chapter 4, a jungle gym, not a ladder, a unique path with occasional dips and detours and even dead ends presents a better chance for fulfillment than a stiff ladder. in chapter 7, don't leave before you leave, she says the months and years before you have children are not the time to lean back but the critical time to lean in. chapter 8. make your partner a real partner. as women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home. >> what's the upside for men? you talk a lot in the book about how men have to be partners, 50/50%, and i can see a lot of husbands saying way, 70/30 is great? >> 80/20. >> 90/10, the best. >> that's right.
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in the home we know that couples that split things more evenly, lower divorce rate, happier, more sex. i have said the best way to have more sex with your wife is do the laundry. my facebook message stream is filled with male friends of saying i would love to read your book but i am with his i doing the laundry. >> she was able to navigate her own raise by communicating well with her all male bosses. >> hi, guys. how are you? >> now she is the boss and wants to change the conversation between employer and employee. >> what would you say to an employee who said, listen, i am pregnant, i am on a big project, i need your advice. >> i would like to think i would talk to them before they had to talk to me and that's part of the message of lean in. >> isn't that illegal to have a conversation about a pregnancy or impending pregnancy or potential pregnancy with an employee? >> here is what is illegal. it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy. >> people don't talk about it because they're worried discrimination will follow. >> that's right. i think they're exactly wrong. >> many women will say i can't
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relate to anything this woman is saying. i don't have an army of help at home. i don't have a nanny, a driver, a cook. i don't have a 9,000 square foot home. >> a reeva martin wrote junior toy the top, her tone story of rising from housing projects to the boardroom. she thinks sandberg is making it sound too ease zi i think there is a sense that this book is really speaking to the top 1%, the top 2% of earners, female earners in this country. >> sandberg insists having more women at the top will help all women, although some of her supporters like silicon valley executive heidi rosen acknowledges the book may not be relevant for everyone. >> she wrote this for a particular section of the female workforce. she didn't try to apply this to all women in all positions. she is getting picked on like she can't win. >> held back by discrimination by lack of constitution of flexibility and child care that's not affordable and so
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many of these things. >> are you picking up the mantle of feminism? many people bristle against that word. >> i wrote in the book that i never used the word feminism to describe myself until a number of years ago. when i was in college or even recently, you don't want to be a feminist. >> why not? >> feminists don't get dates. feminists were angry or done because everything was going to be equal. it hasn't workedut that way, and i now proudly call myself a feminist and when you survey women and ask are you a feminist and you pro i a definition, which means you believe in equal opportunity for men and women, more than half the population will say yes. >> cheryl sandberg says she will ignite a new feminist movement. what will that revolution look like? we go inside one of her lean in circles. >> it is like a book club for your career. >> her name was heidi. his name was howard. really they were one in the same. we'll take a look at the social science behind sandberg's theories on gender inequality.
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outside of yourself by looking at other people, by looking at ways you can use your own talents either to help other people or support other people or develop your interests. former first lady laura bush agrees with cheryl sandberg. women need to lean in. she joined the board of lean in's organization. if top women are leaning into their careers, why are more women not leading companies or leading government? less than 50% of all ceos in fortune 500 companies are women even though there are more women than men living in the united states, congress is still dominated by men. the house of representatives, 82% male. how can cheryl sandberg's lean in circles help women break through while they still enjoy a happy family life? we went inside one of those lean in circles to find out. >> this group in particular is very gen-y focused.
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we're highly digitally literate and collaborative. we have grown up in a world we share with our friends, sometimes share with strangers. we are more open to information than any other generation has been before. >> they are motivated female leaders in the start up world. caroline gone, maxine kay, usa mesa maximum and mimi we know. they answered the call to create a lean in circle hoping to support each other and push forward the women's movement. >> i was talking to friends about how the woman's movement we were raised, about how we can do anything and with all of this possibility, but yet the conversation kind of was silence when we went into the working world. >> one of the issues we have is because we rent given the tools. >> in a sense the conversation stalls and i think one of the things i find most important about the lean in movement is
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culture affected the level of conversation. >> they meet for several hours once a morks sometimes using material from lean and sometimes just to talk and set goals for each other. they call themselves the transitional generation, working within the expectations and rules put forth by the generations before them. >> i think the other challenge we have as a culture is for the women leaders, sort of like scions or meteoric rise and all you don't see the stumbling blocks and it is a very real part of evolution and growth. i had a friend that was like you are 28, like it is totally fine that you are not running the world right now. >> sandberg directed us to the group as an example of how lean in circles can remake what it means to be a female leader in a man's world. >> how important is a woman's personality in being successful? >> so men get to be successful with all different personality types, and i think women do sal.
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>> likability. >> we need diversity of management, diversity of leadership styles. it will make us all better. >> carolyn gone formed the lean in circle, the founder and ceo of levo, a start up she describes as a linked in for women. she moves the conversation to focus on leadership. >> we're not becoming like men looking like men. it validates a very nauseous stereotype. we are here to see how we can apply those to being leaders >> i think sometimes the conversation stops for women because maybe they have hit a door. we haven't yet taught ourselves that it is okay to keep pushing through that. >> the circle's conversation moves to the issue of guilt, something all of these young women agree is a defining characteristic of their generation. >> is that possible? >> whether it is actually going home and having a meal at home
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which is such a rarity and feeling guilty for leaving the office or more likely the case, that i am at the office and i feel guilty that i haven't like -- like i haven't called my mother back in god knows how long. >> i think it is really about communication and i think that you can get to a place where there will be less guilt about it because it will be about having this open sort of communication with everyone in your life. >> and that's why the guilt question, my personal belief is that it is just an element of this generation that we're not going to get rid of. >> they are social, sharing on facebook and twitter, instagram and pinterest creating what they admit is an edited image of their lives and they talk about struggling with the idea of failure. >> you create this life that seems just so perfect and god forbid there be anything imperfect in that world that you create and share. >> i sit there and look at all the different things i have to do and i just kind of like, wait, if i actually break down the day like i will fail.
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i am like -- >> i think as women we have this feeling if we don't do it, if we don't do it perfectly, it is not going to get done at all, and so i definitely find myself taking way too much time to make sure absolutely everything is perfect, staying up really late, being exhausted the next day, where as i could have just trusted that it would all work out a little bit, gotten myself some sleep and probably -- >> happier the next day. >> happier. >> what do you think? tweet me @soledad o'brien and i would love to hear your thoughts. for more on that visit her name was hyde and i her name was howard. they were one in the same. we revisit the study that inspired sand berk's pursuit. >> they pay a penalty for success. they pay a penalty for power. they pay a penalty for things considered aggressive in a woman. the trust issue is very real as well. it is often the case that since
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we expect men to lead, when they lead we think they're leading for others and it is okay. when women lead, they're out for themselves. want younger looking eyes that say wow? with olay, here's how. new regenerist eye and lash duo. the cream smooths the look of lids... softens the look of lines. the serum instantly thickens the look of lashes. see wow! eyes in just one week with olay.
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the howard heidi study shows what a lot of very deep data shows which is we hold people to our stereotypes of them, so if we stereotype men to be leaders and women to be nurturers, women pay this likability cap and i never knew that until five years ago and i felt it and every woman i have ever seen learn about that study has said a-ha, and a lot of men have, too.
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>> welcome back. i am soledad o'brien. sheryl sandberg says when a man is successful, he is well liked and when a woman does well people like her less. is this really the case? you visit the heidi/howard study that inspired sheryl sandberg's pursuit of gender equality and get surprising results. >> success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. >> it is a centerpiece of sheryl sandberg's talks on workplace inequality, the story of how two groups of business students reviewed the credentials of the same venture capitalist except one class was told the name was heidi and the other howard. >> the good news is the students, men and women, thought heidi and howard were equally competent and that's good. the bad news is that everyone liked howard. he is a great guy. you want to work for him and spend the day fishing with him, but heidi, not so sure, she is a
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little out for herself and political. >> i want to salt lake city about the howard-heidi study and you said it was the a-ha moment. why? >> it shows what a lot of deep data shows is we hold people to stereotypes of them. if we stereotype women to be leaders and women to be nurturers, woman have this likability cap. >> heidi roizen, a venture capitalists raising two children in silicon valley and believes that likability gap is still very real. >> if you look at venture capital or corporate governance, the two things i am involved with today, i am very often the only woman in the room. read the case and you will also see a separate form underneath that has questions we would like to you answer about the case. >> we wanted to find out if the likability gap narrowed so we did the demonstration again. >> pick out the answer sheet, the six questions. >> instead of hyde and i howard, the students rated katherine
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martin. >> 8.0 for katherine. how about martin? 7.6. >> ten years later the female executive was seen as more likeable and who would they rather work for? >> katherine 83% like to work for katherine. martin, 65% would. >> again, he comes up short. >> when it came to the issue of trust. >> katherine 6.4. >> seems low. what about martin? >> 7.8. >> here is what one woman at the nyu school had to say. >> when we try to do our best to succeed in business it comes across as trying too hard and we become untrust worthy or something. >> yeah. this is exactly right. i think the success and likability penalty is one of the main things holding women back. >> because trust looms larger than any other factor in the eyes of these future business leaders. >> when it comes to women being successful, i don't think they're as trust worthy as if
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been would be successful. i think men would be -- men tend to seem more genuine and if women become more successful, they have an you will there are motive. >> a finding the real heidi found troubling ten years after her own credentials were put to the test. >> that to me is one of those disturbing subtle things. it is fundamentally people are more trusting of people who look and sound and act like them and so if you're in a room full of men and you're the only woman, there is a different level of trust there until you earn it. >> which means any changes in the way the heidis of the world are perceived will have to include the howards. >> we have to let women talk about this. i hope men enter the conversation and the controversy around my book because every issue, not just mine, every issue because we need men to talk about this, too, if it is ever going to change. >> sheryl sandberg says men have big incentives to help women
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succeed. like what? we'll ask male ceos if they see women like sandberg as an asset or threat. >> do each of us agree with everything sherl said, of course not and i don't think she would expect us to. the way we're doing things today is not getting the job done. >> sandberg calls herself lucky in life. will her lean in movement be as lucky as she is? we'll take a look at what the future holds for sandberg and the new feminist movement. >> life is a series of these moments. we each live them. i want women to have more choices and i want women to make more explicit decisions. [ female announcer ] your smile.
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♪ she made me realize two things. first, we were not changing fast enough. we were no longer moving the needle and if we didn't do things differently, we wouldn't move the needle dramatically over this next decade, and secondly, she is starting a tipping point, an inflection point where if a number of us lean in, both male and females, we can make a difference both for our country and for each of our companies. >> that's one male ceo's take on the sandberg manifesto, but are all male leaders ready to lean in? or will they push back instead? sheryl sandberg says she is most surprised men have not jumped into this conversation. why do you think that is? >> i really don't know if that is really true that men haven't jumped into this conversation. in reading the book and reading lean in, i think this topic
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relative to maximizing your own potential in your career and work/family balance is something that men can feel the same way that women can. >> muhammed, what's the impact been on you? >> it has been huge. it has been a great book at the right time. in terms of the right time, we are big believers we are navigating very fluid global economy and that you need a lot of perspectives to understand what's going on and that speaks to the business case for inclusiveness and diversity and along comes sheryl sandberg's book with lots of insights and it has increased awareness tremendously within this company. >> some of all of that is really, john, about likability, right? women aren't holding themselves back and sheryl points it out in the book because they're worried as they will be perceived as non-likeable. where have you seen changes in your company around that? >> today there are more and more women that have gone through the mba ranks and have the educational background and the work background to aspire to
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having the senior level ajobs across our company and across industry in general. >> muhammed, one criticism i have heard from people who have been critical of the book has been that it only really is worthwhile reading for people who are hoping to aim for the c suite, if you're talking about a woman working in the lunch room or something like that, maybe not so relevant to her life. do you think that's a fair criticism? >> i don't. i think many of the message that is sheryl sandberg speaks to and by the way other people speak to that have looked at unconscious biases is we humans and women in particular hold themselves back unnecessarily. i see it. i see it in meetings sometimes when i look around the room and you see certain people wishing to speak that can be from a different culture. they can be from a different gender, and they want to say something but they are held back and unless we recognize this behavior, you end up being in a worse off place. >> nice to have you both with
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me. appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> my generation is not going to change this problem. >> with her book lean in and the lean in circles she is encouraging young women to create for support sheryl sandberg hope this is generation of women will reignite a movement she says is stalled. >> lean in is about all of us coming together to understand the stereotypes holding women back and fix that. >> getting everything together may prove to be what holds lean in back. >> working class moms, women who are in entry level positions and corporations earning 35, $40,000 a year, a lot of this information is not just going to translate for them. >> sandberg says that if lean in helps more women get to the top, future generations will benefit. with two young children, a 7-year-old boy, and a 5-year-old girl, sandberg currently balances motherhood with ever
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expanding projects and responsibilities, leaning in more herself. >> i heard from everyone it is harder when your kids get to be teenagers. little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems >> lean in is sure to sell a lot of books. it is already number one on amazon. after five years at facebook she still faces challenges. there was last year's disappointing initial public offering, the social network's stock price is still not at its original level. she says she is loyal to the company and its founder mark zuckerberg, but she is largely coy about her future. >> five years down the road what are you doing? >> i think i will still be at facebook. >> ten years down the road? >> yeah. we'll see. right? i really love my job. i really love -- >> 15 years down the road. >> really? i love being a parent. i am not running for office. >> she says she is not interested in politics and i believe that's what she means, but i don't believe that's necessarily true. >> david kirk patrick is an author that knows sandberg and has written a book about
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facebook. >> she is extraordinarily ambitious and everyone thinks she degraded politics and says in the book don't turn down tuns that come your way. >> with the book a guaranteed best seller she hopes this is just the beginning of the conversation. >> for more on my interview with sheryl sandberg lean in visit our website. that's it for me. i am soledad o'brien. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to "cnn newsroom." i am fredrika whitfield. two teen boys are accused of shooting this baby in cold blood. the mother of the child is talking to cnn. dozens of elementary schools in chicago are closing and while officials say it will benefit children's education and the school system's budget, many parents worry it will make your kids more vulnerable to gang
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violence. if your luck isn't going so great for your march madness brackets, you may want to test your luck on tonight's powerball lottery. the jackpot is in tonight's drawing is a whopping $320 mirn. the brunswick georgia mother that says a teenaged boy shot and killed her 13 month old baby spoke to cnn's nick valencia a short time ago. nick joining me now from brunswick, georgia, so two teens have been charged with first degree murder in this case. what did the mother say to you? >> good afternoon, fred. i just sat down with sherry west, the mother of 13 month old shot on thursday morning. a very emotional interview and didn't mince words. take a listen. >> i still think of my son walking over to me in the morning and putting his head on my lap.
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and on my shoulder and me feeding him meals and the fact that he was just learning to eat and that he will never say his first word. >> reporter: west says this isn't the first time she suffered a tragedy like this. back in 2008 her 18-year-old son she says was stabbed to death in an altercation. it took her a long time she says to have a kid again only for something like this to happen. >> nick, what about the investigation and the gathering of more evidence? there were no eyewitnesses to speak of. last we talk about this situation, has anything changed in the investigation, the direction in which it is going, the evidence collected? >> reporter: the brunswick police department says there is still no clear motive for the incident, the attack, they're also still looking for the handgun. yesterday they conducted three search warrants in the area
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here, but they say they're still in the open investigation and having said that, they're not looking for any more suspects. they tell cnn they're confident that they got the right two guys. i asked them yesterday after the press conference how could you be so sure that you got the right suspects? they told me they were able to catch these two 17-year-old demarre kees and a 14-year-old not named with help of the description of the mother and cross referenced attendance records in area schools to find out who was missing that day. this is a very small town, only about 15,000 people. they said that's how they were able to find out who did it. nick valencia, thank you so much in brunswick, georgia. meantime, a wild police chase and shoot out that ended in texas jump started a complex murder investigation. authorities are looking into whether the man killed by officers, evan spencer may be linked to two killings in colorado, the most recent the chief of the state prison system shot dead in his doorway.
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officials also want to know whether there is a connection to the killing of a pizza delivery driver in colorado and possibly the murder of a county prosecutor in texas. spring began just three days ago and winter just simply won't let go. a giant spring snowstorm is pounding parts of colorado with snow right now and up to 50 vehicles involved in a fiery pile up on interstate 25 north of denver and more than 150 miles of interstate 70 from denver to kansas are closed, and people are being told to simply stay home and the world cup qualifying game between the u.s. and costa rica in denver, well, somehow the players finish that game despite all of that snow and the u.s. won. the storm is now moving eastward. carol maginnis has more details. >> fred, it looks anything like spring time. especially across the central plains where another winter storm or early spring storm is
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moving across kansas and nebraska, between interstate 70 and 80. this is where we will see the snowfall pile up. some folks could see more than a foot of snowfall and we have winter storm watches and warnings out and advisories into the lower great lakes. this could change as we watch the development of this storm system and this area of low pressure moving across the south central u.s. heads towards the central mississippi river valley into the ohio river valley towards the mid-atlantic as we go into monday. then by monday snowfall expected, guess where? washington, d.c., and new york. in the meantime kansas city between 6 and 9" of snow, st. louis readings between 4 and 8". what about the alleghenies 6 to 10 and maybe a light dusting for washington, d.c. and new york city, the forecast is saying 1 or 2" of snow. across the deep south, it is thunderstorms. quite a different story, fred.
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>> karen maginnis, thank you so much. a budget proposal passed the u.s. senate, this one was approved at 5:00 in the morning by a razor thin margin of 50-49 afternoon a marathon over night session. fittingly called a vote-o-rama. they went through 101 amendments and largely along party lines. the bill is expected to get knocked down in the house. it has been three years since president obama's health care plan was signed into law and it has survived despite vocal opposition and a u.s. supreme court challenge now. political editor paul steinhauser looks at where the law stands today and where it gained in popularity. >> it was the signature domestic achievement of president obama's first term, but the health care law known officially as the affordable care act and nicknamed obama care quickly hurt the president and his party at the ballot box partially
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fueled by opposition to the measure. >> the republicans will take control of the house of representatives. >> republicans won big in the 2010 midterms taking back the house and cutting into the democrats majority in the senate. last year the supreme court upheld the law and the president won re-election over mitt romney and even after all of that many republicans would still like to see the law go away. romney's running mate congressman paul ryan calls for the law's repeal in his new budget and here is what he told wolf blitzer. >> we think it is very dangerous for medicine care and we think we have a better idea. >> the senate that supports the controversial law is edging up according to the orc poll from january. our survey found a wide partisan divide with democrats and republicans not seeing eye-to-eye on the measure. president obama is headed back to the u.s. now. he wrapped up his trip to the middle east as a tourist. plus we'll introduce you to the
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first black israeli beauty queen. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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at celery...yes. chips...delicioso. chicken nuggets... what's going on? carrots...craveable. sabra hummus: dip life to the fullest. president obama is headed back home after visiting jordan, the west bank, and israel. the president told palestinians to think anew when it comes to creating a lasting piece with israelis in the region. the president toured the west bank with palestinian authori
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authorities and he told them he believes peace is possible. >> the palestinian's people right to self determination, their right to justice, must also be recognized. put yourself in their shoes. look at the world through their eyes. it is not fair that a palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own. hurdles remain on getting the stalled peace talks between israelis and palestinians going again. let's bring in the adviser to the palestinian preside and diana is joining us from ramala in the west bank. you were an adviser to the palestinian negotiating team with israel.
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did president obama strike a chord with people there? >> absolutely not. president obama came in very clearly designed to reach out to the israelis, and he didn't do anything to reach out to the palestinians. in fact, he did the opposite. he backtracked away from u.s. foreign policy. he backtracked away from his own position and in stating that palestinians should head to the negotiates table without a settlement freeze. he made it seem that the united states is somehow a neutral party and as though he doesn't know where the billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars are going to fund more settlements and to militarily finance israel, so he didn't strike a positive chord at all with palestinians. >> did people in general feel like the president backtracked from earlier commitments? >> he absolutely backtracked against his earlier commitments. if you recall in the first term of president obama -- the first
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obama term what he said very clearly was that israel's settlement activity had to stop. he made it home demolitions had to stop and what he is now saying is that it is not so much that home demolitions have to stop, and he didn't even call for a settlement freeze. instead he said that there should be no conditions placed before negotiations, and in other words what he is saying is that israel is allowed to continue to eat up palestinian land and the palestinians have to sit down and deal with it and this is not going to be a recipe for moving ahead. in fact, what he did is rather than move the ball forward, he pushed the ball further behind. >> so then should there be any hope that the ball will be moved forward despite how people are assessing, particularly palestinians are assessing the president's words or lack thereof? >> the problem is that this president like other presidents have come in and always said the same thing, that they're coming
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to listen, and this isn't what palestinians were expecting. we want him to act and so at the end of his trip now that he is heading back home, it is time for president obama to firmly act and it is time for him to put pressure on israel and to completely end its military rule over the palestinians and to allow us to live in the freedom and dignity that we deserve, and if he doesn't put pressure on israel, i am afraid that we're going to be back here and with yet another president who is simply going to come to the region once again to listen and do nothing. this is not what i want to see. >> does it matter at all the president was making overtures to the younger generation, young palestinians, young israelis, leaders of the future in any way, that he was thinking of that next generation, that perhaps the view point is by some that he kind of talked to the next generation by talking around the current leaders? effective at all in your view?
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>> it is important for him to reach out to the younger generation. that i agree with. the question is what is the message and the message that he should be sending to this younger generation is that the occupation is wrong and that he as a young president is going to put in place measures and that to end the occupation by ending u.s. assistance to israel, and that he is seeking the support of this younger generation and instead what he did is he simply reached out to younger israelis to try to empower them without really telling them that the ball rests in their hands, and in his hands as well, that the time has come for a complete settlement freeze, the time has come for israel to completely end its occupation and the time has come for palestinians to be allowed to live in freedom and equality. >> diana buttu, thanks so much for your time. she is a beauty queen with a story so compelling that president obama asked to meet her. they're from very different continents and they're decades
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apart. >> nearly ten years after her arrival as an ethiopian immigrant in the holy land, yatish anau gained worldwide attention chosen as the first black miss israel. the 21-year-old beauty queen served in the israeli army and worked as a sales clerk in a clothing store before a friend entered her name in the contest. within a matter of weeks she was invited to an exclusive 120 seat gala dinner for barack obama in honor of his first visit to israel as president. >> translator: i am very excited to meet the two president president perez and president obama. they invited me because an historical significance. for the first time in ethiopia is representing israel and he was the first african-american that was chosen to lead as super power. >> an orphan, yatish relocated to israel to be with her grandparents when she was just 12. obama has been one of her idols almost ever since.
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>> translator: i did a research project about him in high school and know he is very powerful man and cares mat and i can achieved a lot on his own because he believed in himself and this stuck with me. >> as ms. israel 2013 there will be ceremonies and appearances galore for yatish this year. >> i was chosen and because i made history as the first ethiopian i feel i have to prove myself. i don't want to disappoint people that chose me. >> she often talks of her previous life as a child walking barefoot in ethiopia and what she discovered in herself on her first visit back to her homeland. >> translator: i stood there as a girl that finished the israeli army as an officer and thought how much a person with go through in nine, ten years and i learned a new language, abouten to good places, and enlisted and returned as a totally different person. >> from the streets of ethiopia to the presidential gala in israel to the world stage.
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she was crowned just three weeks ago. beijing has some of the worst smog in the world. it is so bad it looks like a sand storm on the worst days and we'll show you how the problem could impact you next. twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at
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been waiting for the price then hurry, sleep train's beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday. save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. these prices are falling fast, but these deals won't last. sleep train's beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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early today the senate passed its version of the federal budget. it is mostly symbolic. it is non-binding and lays out the senate's priority which is are vastly different from the house budget passed by the republican majority. the senate plan backed by democrats increases government spending and it would also repeal those automatic spending cuts. of course the cuts are still in force. athena jones looks at the ripple effects and how it will impact workers.
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>> herndon, virginia, is right outside washington in a county filled with government workers, federal contractors, and the businesses that depend on them. here they're already feeling the effects of those steep budget cuts put into place three weeks ago and the reality is sinking in. those cuts are here to stay >> this is getting real old as the days keep going on. i was hoping congress would come together. as we have gone on now, still have not come up with an agreement. >> keith fixes computers and he learns he will have to stay home for his job for up to 14 days so the agency can save money. he thinks that will cost him 20% of his pay. to make due he found a part-time job and is cutting back on expenses. >> they won't see me down at the garden shop as much as i used to be every year buying my plants and my dirt and everything to get my front yard looks nice and everything. >> he is also eating out less,
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fewer lunch breaks like this did he telly near work. it is a big concern for the deli owner who says at least a quarter of customers are federal employees and furloughs will eat into his bottom line. >> they will be spending less money and not eating as much out as they are doing right now. we are going to be less business. >> one small business owner and one federal worker, multi-applied by thousands across a region that relies on government money. >> i think we know we're going to lose probably 4 or $5 billion from the local economy due to cutbacks and they're going to continue next year as well. >> mclawn is still hoping congress will act and fast. >> all get it together. let's do it tomorrow. let's do it really, really soon. are you talking 14 days out of my life i will not get paid for. >> one more thing about the ripple effects of these cuts, the economists we spoke with said they could lead to a million jobs lost among small businesses nationwide.
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fred. thanks so much, athena jones in washington. onto china now, the air pollution has been so bad this winter it sparked protests and the smog can be seen from space. this shows beijing on a clear day and beijing on a bad smog day. you can barely see the city. health officials say more than 8,000 people died from being exposed to this stuff last year alone. i spoke with the special contributor philippe cousteau and what is causing it and if the growing numbers of r ka cars on the roads is playing a role. >> certainly it is contributed to by the pollution and the vehicle and the growth in the streets of china. we have to remember one of the primary causes are coal fired power plants. believe it or not china burns about as much coal as the rest of the world combined and increases tremendously every single year. there is a little weather pattern contributed to keeping these pockets of pollution over
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beijing and parts of china, but it is really an issue of the amount of consumption of fossil fuels happening in china. it is staggering. >> it is one thing to impact the health of the chinese people and how might china's pollution problem really affect the rest of the world? >> of course, fredrika, china has been an important economic driver here in the global economic scale, especially over the last few years of the economic slump in the west and when you look at this unrest and the riots happening, when you look at the impact on health care and the cost to the chinese government, there is a very real impact on the economy of china as a whole, and that's certainly impacts the rest of us as the world, but from an environmental perspective, too, smog and particulates that originate in china can be found on the beaches of the bahamas and the air quality in california because of the jet streams, so we truly live in a global world and what's happening in china is
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affecting all of us. china's political leaders said they would no longer put the country's economy over the environment. there is a different kind of march madness going on and this has nothing to do with sports. straight ahead find out why folks are rushing out to buy powerball tickets right now. [ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply.
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and redeem them for just about anything. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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a powerful snowstorm is pounding colorado and making travel quite dangerous and impossible in others. more than 150 miles of interstate 70 from denver to kansas are closed. a fiery crash involved up to 50 vehicles and closed down part of interstate 5 near fort collins. people from the midwest to washington, d.c. could see winter conditions by monday. perhaps you feel lucky. if so, you could turn two bucks into an early retirement. tonight's powerball drawing is worth more than $320 million and not surprisingly people like these folks in arkansas are rushing to stores to buy their tickets. the lottery reports that the odds of winning powerball are about 175 million to 1. for the first time a pope has met a former pope. pope francis and pope emeritus benedict met for lunch and
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gandolfo and benedict has been living thereince he left the vatican. they prayed together. they say this is the first meeting of its kind in the history of the catholic church. here is a look at what's trending online, a 10-year-old boy is dead and at least one other person is in critical condition after a display sign fell on them at an airport in birmingham, alabama. the sign which displays arrivals and departures fell on the person now critical condition. a shocking revelation from actress eva mendes about her relationship with her attack dog. she told late night tv host she uses a shock collar on her dog to keep him from killing critters and admitted she oddly enough has tested the collar out herself and that has people talking. a flash of fire streaked across the skies last night from virginia to maine. see that little dot on the video
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right there? yeah, that's it. experts say it is probably a meteor, one person tweeted seriously after that massive meteor in california a few weeks ago the one that hit russia and now this huge one tonight, a little scary. and recently we told you a story of singer and actress lorna luft's passion for training dogs. her non-profit group trains guide dogs for the blind. today she wants to share an update on her health with fans. she said? a statement she had recently undergone surgery for breast cancer and is embarking on a regimen of chemotherapy. she will resume her concert appearances in mid-august. as you may know, lorna luft is the daughter of judy garland. now let's talk late night laughs. jay leno and jimmy fallon, two funny men on late nature and there is reports leno is getting dumped in favor of fallon and
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the show may be heading back to new york city. looks like the rumors resident getting under jay leno's skin, not really. >> are you into march madness, people talk about how is in, who's out and who is going to be eliminated and that's just here at nbc. that doesn't seen count. i have never been in the paper this much. it is fantastic. >> yes, a lot of buzz surrounding the reported changes. here is cnn entertainment correspondent nischelle turner. >> it is probably the worst kept secret in hollywood jimmy fallon would probably some day take over for jay leno and the question has always been when and news today suggest it is could be sooner rather than later. could "the tonight show" be returning to new york and with late night's jimmy fallon taking over for jay leno? according to various reports, it might happen by the fall of 2014 at the latest. no official word yet but nbc is
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building a brand new new york studio for fallon who already broadcasts from the big apple. >> thank you for tuning? >> the dramatic cross country move would take the late night talk show back to its roots where they held court from "30 rock" fell ler center. in 1972 carson looking for ea easier access to guests took it to the west coast. why go back to new york? >> that's his comfort zone, where lorne michaels who oversees the show is and this day travel is easier and a lot of stars are in new york as well and i don't think it will hurt him too much. >> joe flinch says don't forget that other jimmy. >> advertisers pay more for younger viewers and jimmy kimmel since moving to 11:30 from midnight is making in roads in that audience. nbc wants to get fall lone in
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there sooner rather than later. >> they spoke to jake tapper about fallon taking over the tonight though. >> there is talk about mr. leno's departure although i read those stories before. >> i know. you read stories and you really never know if they're true or not unless you hear it from somebody over there. >> do you think it is direct? it has to be a direct response to you coming and -- >> god, i hope so. i don't know. i mean, i have no idea. obviously nbc is looking to move on because they did it once already. this would be the second time that this has happened. so i mean it makes perfect sense and jimmy fallon is doing a great job and very popular and so eventually it is going to happen one way or the other. >> drove all the snakes out of ireland and came into the united states and became nbc executives. it is a fascinating -- >> how does leno feel about all of this? >> jay is still number 1 and his grasp on the audience has slipped a little bit and he
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knows he won't be in this job forever and there was always a little tension between jay leno and conan o'brien that really doesn't exist between him and jimmy fallon so i think that helps as well. there is better relationships there all around. >> according to the hollywood reporter, fallon called leno to smooth things over and ease the transition of coasts and hosts. now, of course there is this bigger question coming up, though, with the thought the show could move back to new york. is los angeles now losing its grip on the entertainment industry? film and tv production is increasingly moving out of los angeles to cities like atlanta and new orleans because in large part, fred, it is cheaper. back to you. >> all right. always down to the bottom line, isn't it? thanks, nischelle. more than 50 chicago schools are shutting their doors. it is one of the largest school districts in the country. some are worried the closures will create more violence on the streets. we'll explain next. >> announcer: did you know there are secret black market websites
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around the world that sell stolen identities? >> 30-year-old american man, excellent credit rating. >> announcer: lifelock monitors thousands of these sites 24 hours a day. and if we discover any of our members' data for sale, lifelock is there with the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. [♪...] [squealing, crash] call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. it's not what you think. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz.
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it is being called one of the largest mass school shutdowns in u.s. history. martin savidge looks at why some chicago schools are shutting their doors and why parents are outraged. i heard that they're not going to be coming back next year and it is sad. it is sad. >> it is the list the parents have been dreading for months. 61 buildings including 53 schools targeted foreclosu clos designed to cut costs as they face a billion dollar deficit. in alderman willy cochran's word constituents have been calling all day. >> some cases we're happy. some cases we're not so happy. >> on the plus side the district says the savings will allow major investments in surviving
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schools including adding 70 libraries, science labs, even air conditioning, but for many it is not what's gained but what's lost and where. neighborhood schools in some of chicago's poorest communities. school officials say the decisions were based on low enrollments and others say race played a role and outraged kerry austin, an alderman from the far south side told the chicago tribune, quote, every time they scream and holler they back off and steam roll over black and brown folks, not this time. she is not the only one who believes that. >> you think it is the black communities that often are asked to sacrifice first? >> in this case, yes, i do. yes, i do. >> this is 70th street in the heart of the city's south side and this is the logical elementary school. parents are proud of it. the sign would bear that out, soaring to new heights. all of which would be very good if it wasn't slated to be closed. >> what is going to happen? >> i really don't know.
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i don't know what's going to happen. >> parents also fear chicago's notorious gang problems as kids cross into strange neighborhoods to attend new schools. >> it is okay. you have certain gangs, no, certain kids that go to certain schools because it is in their neighborhood. when you go outside of your neighborhood, that becomes a problem. >> some blame the number of school closings on the chicago teacher's union which won a significant pay raise for teachers last fall. the head of the union blames mayor rahm emanuel. >> we have a murder mayor, a murder problem, murdering schools. he is murdering communities. it is okay, how is that okay? >> willy cochran remains optimistic, even for schools on that list. >> i would say to the parents that are frustrated right now, there is still time to work. >> after all, he says, this is chicago. martin savidge, cnn, chicago. >> tech geeks learn the language
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of love for a price.
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chicago. they are leaders in the tech industry but maybe losers in love, so some self proclaimed silicon valley geeks are getting help finding a mate and money is no object. lori siegel has the story.
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>> how much do you think people will pay to find love? according to the millionaire matchmaker, $20,000. take a look. the computer nerd have cracked the code to successful tech companies, but when it comes to the language of love they aren listing a little help. meet amy anderson. you're a matchmaker. that's an old job, right? >> it is an old world business. >> an old world business with tech ipo pricing, access to link and drink events like this and a guarantee of eight quality matches cost members 20 grand. members that go to the parties and aren't promise stakes pay up to 2500. >> how much is the most they're willing to put out there? >> a lot. people will put so much into the process, anywhere from 50 to in some cases a nationwide search 100,000. >> many work in tech. >> the most valuable resource you have in the world, whether entrepreneur or not is time. if you have a professional that can help you find the right
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person, i think it would save a lot of time. >> like many businesses in the valley amy gets a boost when tech companies are doing well. facebook's ipo brought in customers for links. >> facebook has been really important for us for a multitude of reasons. certainly we have gotten a lot of clients from there preipo and post ipo just like google in 2004. >> what these people are paying for is the one thing for which they don't want to rely on anal b -- algorithm. >> within a few days she will match you with a couple of people. >> there is often a lot of metrics by silicon valley standards people are looking for ranging from ethnicity, religion, personality type. >> before you end up here, you go through boot camp. >> remove the hoodie. take it off right now. >> did she outlaw you from anything, any habits that die hard when you met amy.
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>> being on time. geeks are notorious for being late. >> it has been great. i met two people. one of them i was in a relationship with for a while. >> amy boasts results. 45 couples in exclusive relationships and nearly 20 marriages. you have to wonder, are singles really willing to pay $20,000 for the right match? well, apparently many are, especially in an area where business is good and incomes are high. amy says now that we have hit spring she is bringing in even more clients. looks like some of the geeks are ready to spend a little less time in front of the computer and a bit more time focusing on love. fredrika. >> wow. paying up. thanks so much, laurie. for more high tech ideas and reviews, go to and look for the gaming and gadgets tab. every saturday at this time i bring you information on new technology and how it impacts your life. looking for a laugh perhaps? coming up we'll preview two new
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comedies featuring hollywood favorites, tina fey and steve carell. do the new flicks live up to the box office buzz? american bartender doc hendly found his non-profit wine to water project to combat the global water crisis, and in 2009 he was honored as a top ten cnn hero and now he is working in syria where he is helping some of the millions of people there who have been displaced by the current conflict. >> here in the u.s. it is hard for to us understand the water crisis because we have it right at our fingertips. there is some countries where it takes many women and children four and five hours every single day just to get water and it is absolutely filthy and making their children sick. when you see the firsthand, you can't help but be changed from that. my name is doc hendly. i used to be a bartender and now i bring clean water to the world. >> it will not make you feel sick to your stomach anymore.
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>> cnn had he lows changed everything. before we were able to reach four different countries and now we're in 15 different countries. syria is the latest one. in syria every single day people are leaving their homes, fleeing to the border areas and these camps and living conditions, they're terrible. they don't have access to even the basic essentials. right now we're actively working in two camps in the northwestern region of syria. i was able to bring 350 water filters just a couple months ago. syria is a very first location we're actually using these filters and they filter up to 250 gallons of water every single day for ten years. we have a partnership with an organization called stop hunger now. we'll be sending a container with about 250,000 meals and another 1,000 water filters. this will be just the first of many shipments hopefully. there is really no way to describe the feeling when you see a family have crystal clear clean water for the first time. a lot of people think what can
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we do? you can make a difference in one family's life, that's a huge thing. >> you can learn more about doc's program or nominate someone you think deserves to be recognized by going to cnn for your first day it's what makes a subaru a subaru. dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. ♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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if you're heading to the movie this is weekend and you're looking for a good laugh, you're in luck. two new comedies are getting a lot of buzz at the box office. our movie critic are from rotten joining us. good to see you. >> hello. >> let's talk about "admission" with tina fey, paul rudd, and
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comedy legend lily tomlin. fey playing a straight-laced college admissions officer. you sat down with with tomlin who plays tina fey's mother in the movie. you asked her about some of the action-packed scenes. let's take a look. >> you're pumping shotguns like you have been doing it your whole life. >> i haven't. >> really? >> i practiced but you have to snap it loose. we had to fake it because it's not kicking that much. >> we have to protect lily tomlin's shoulders. >> yeah. >> that must have been fun. overall what did you think of the movie? >> well, most critics, i think right now, are denying this movie into their hearts because they say basically it's not an episode of "30 rock" which is what we love, love, love from tina fey. ultimately, think that's a little unfair. my experience with the movie while i was sitting in it was i was getting this warm cashmere
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hug and my heart was swelling in all the right moments. is it incredibly passionate? are we getting a ton of insights about the college admissions process? no. but paul rudd is tina fey's love interest in the movie. they're both genetically engineered for me to love them essentially. so it works just enough. if you're a die hard fan of any of these comedy legends then i think you're going to go and enjoy the movie. don't take it too seriously. >> how does it rank on your tomato meter? >> well, the critics are tough on this one. it's rotten now at 45%. i wouldn't let it discourage you if you love the people in this movie and you just really want to see a lot of shots of princeton. why not? >> let's turn to another comedy featuring funny man steve carell in a movie with jim carey called
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the incredible burt wonderstone about magicians in las vegas who worked side by side for years. you asked carell what advice he had for an aspiring magician. this is what he said. >> develop your sense of panache. >> do you find yourself doing everyday things with that like -- i would like three tickets to the movies! >> no, never. that has not -- i can't even talk. no. that hasn't become part of my ordinary life. >> you got steve tongue-tied there. >> what a dream it's been to talk to these phenomenal actors. going into an interview that way is so exciting. he is the best. even in person in an interview. the incredible burt wonderstone as a comedy, doesn't hit it out of the park. i'm going to say no. however, it's building -- i know
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it's tough. it's a tough time of year. however, it is building on a base of sequins and magicians immediately being hilarious. so it doesn't add a ton on top of that. but in this particular case, the power of the supporting performances, i think, are what build it is the movie up. you've got jim carey, best he's been in a long time. >> we haven't seen him in a while. >> i know! the movies he's been in recently, trust me. i have been waiting for something that makes me not want to leave the movie theater in a huff. >> this one on the tomato meter? >> this one is right now at 37%. >> ooh. >> which is also rotten. but david copperfield himself, a huge fan of rotten tomatoes told me he's absolutely right that comedies tend to score lower with the critics because they are just that -- really tough critics. but audiences are going to go and probably leave with a smile
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on their face. this time of year when movies are serious, a smile might be worth the price of admission for sure. >> we like smiles. miss sunshine herself. good to see you. thanks so much. remember, you can get more of gray drake. you always want more. at tom hanks is stepping on stage for the first time in 30 years. next hour he tells piers morgan what he's most nervous about. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
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it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco.
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tomorrow starts here.
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hello again. you're in the cnn newsroom. three years ago president obama signed his health care bill into law. it is under a fresh round of attacks from republicans n. a minute we'll go to washington to hear how the republicans are trying to get the law repealed. political scandal in mexico. a conservative candidate is accused of having a steamy past in las vegas. a storm is pounding colorado now with heavy snow and heavy winds. it has made travel nearly impossible in some areas and dangerous in others. one huge pileup north of denver closed down part of interstate 25. i-70 from denver to kansas is closed to drivers. what a nightmare it is.
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it looks placid and calm -- fairly calm behind you. >> reporter: yeah. it's not bad where we are now in colorado springs, but i can tell you south of here it is absolutely miserable. and it was absolutely miserable early today. interstate 25 which you mentioned is closed north of denver is also a closed because of multiple pile-ups, spinouts on the highway. it is expected to be closed between 5 and 7 hours. we were in the middle of that today. we were actually going to check out a lead on another story we have been working on -- the murder of the state's prison department director. we were not able to get to our ultimate destination because the weather was so bad. take a look at what we went through earlier today. we are at a rest stop off interstate 25 between colorado springs and pueblo, colorado. we are in the middle of a
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serious storm. you could see the flags over here just being whipped by the wind. the snow is blowing very dramatically. it hurts your face just to be standing out here in the snow. over here you can see -- or you can't see interstate 25. normally the speed limit on the interstate is 75 miles per hour. you can see this vehicle goes by us going much slowerer. you can also see on the other side of the interstate vehicles anti-depressanting south at a very slow rate of speed. perhaps 30 miles an hour or so. for the past 20 miles we have seen a succession of accidents. multi car pileups, spinouts, traffic backed up for a half mile or so heading south because of the accidents. we couldn't even pull over to shoot pictures of what happened. it was just too dangerous. a very serious winter-type storm has hit colorado in early spring. we saw probably at least a dozen
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of those accidents according to state officials though there have not been fatalities, at least as of a half hour ago or so. that's a good thing. really a mess on the roads here throughout colorado. >> all right, casey, thank you very much. treacherous weather there. so the brunswick, georgia, mother who said a teenage boy shot and killed her 13-month-old baby spoke out a short time ago. this is the message she had for the suspected shooter. >> that i hate you and i don't forgive you. and that you killed an innocent human life and that i hope you die for it. >> two teenage boys are charged with first-degree murder for allegedly killing west's baby. west said the boys approached her demanding money. when she said she didn't have any, she said the older suspect shot her in the leg and then walked over and shot her baby in the face. the 911 call made that day was
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released to us just a short time ago. >> just shot. >> listen to me, ma'am. is the baby breathing? >> i don't know. the baby is in a stroller. i just came out the door. she's trying to get the baby out now. >> did you hear shots in the area? >> listen, the baby is shot. >> the suspect's aunt said her nephew was at her house at the time of the incident. more questions after an ex-con was killed by police thursday. he could be linked to three murders in two states. investigators are looking into whether with evan ebel could have been involved in the murder of colorado's top prison chief. there could be a connection to the murder of a pizza delivery worker and a texas prosecutor killed in january. evidence also connects him to the killing of at least those
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people. they are investigating now. all right. it's been three years since president obama signed his health care bill into law. the law survived several challenges, even one in the u.s. supreme court. but that doesn't mean the fight is over. >> reporter: the latest gop senator to take a shot at undoing the law said he's not giving up. >> obama care is hurting seniors, his panics, african-americans. >> reporter: texas gop senator ted cruz is the latest lawmaker to propose eliminating obamacare. like all other attempts it failed. >> i intend to keep trying to repeal obamacare and fight for
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pro growth policies every single day. >> reporter: cruz tells cnn the law will put the economy in critical condition. >> the economy is not growing. implementing obamacare now raises a very real possibility that we will push this nation into a recession. i'm trying to make the case -- >> you're saying the president's health care law will cause a recession. >> it could cause a recession. >> we have had more than 35 separate votes in congress about that. we have always upheld the affordable care act. >> reporter: democrats argue republicans should just stop, noting the law has not only survived a challenge to the supreme court but also former presidential candidate mitt romney. >> i will repeal obamacare and a i will stop it in its tracks on day one. >> reporter: the gop budget that passed the republican-controlled house includes a repeal of obamacare. michele bachmann warned it's a killer. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior
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citizens. let's not do that. >> reporter: it seems it's the law ta can't be killed almost like the legislative equivalent of kenny from "south park". >> oh, my god! they killed kenny! >> reporter: republicans outside of washington have a different take. a slew of high profile gop governors accepted the law's massive expansion of the medicaid program for the poor into their states. defend rs say other popular provisions go into effect next year like the ban on discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions. new insurance exchanges where people can shop for coverage. the white house says the repealers ignore it. >> at some point ta seems to be time not well spent. the president believes it's important to expand health insurance coverage to the millions of americans who will be covered because of the affordable care act. >> reporter: but the law is not entirely popular with democrats. several senators from the
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president's own party joined republicans to vote to repeal a tax on medical devices that was tucked into the law. but the vote was symbolic and nonbinding, much like the rest of the attempts to repeal obamacare. fred? >> thanks, jim accosta on capitol hill. straight ahead, she's running for office but racy photos are sparking more than interest. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive.
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visit ♪ . the past might have come back to haunt a political candidate in mexico. opponents say she was a las vegas escort. she's fighting for her political life now. snrn >> reporter: this is a national scandal in mexico especially because the candidate tried to run under the banner of the most conservative group in the country. she said it's part of a plot to derail her candidacy. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> reporter: she's an aspiring mexican politician and entrepreneur. 33-year-old giselle arellano has become a celebrity almost overnight in her country, but
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not the way she'd like to be. >> you are watching sinners and saints tv! >> reporter: right after she launched the campaign for a seat in congress these pictures began appearing on social media. she said she posed for the lingerie photos as a favor to a friend promoting a party. her rivals allege she worked as a las vegas escort, something she denies. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> translator: there has been a lot of speculation about my past in the media. i'm here because i have nothing to hide. my conscience is clear. i'm at peace with god. >> reporter: her critics claim her company, black rose concierge services, offers more than just concert tickets and restaurant reservations. >> black rose provide ohs services to tourists in vegas. there is nothing more to say. people have been misinterpreting that. >> reporter: arellano is runningirunning i for a seat under the banner of the conservative action committee. she appears to have support from
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voters, especially women. >> he who is without sin should cast the first stone. i'm not going to judge. people should pay attention to her abilities and talents. if she has what it takes it would be good to have her in the party. >> reporter: arellano insists she has what it takes as a businesswoman who speaks five languages. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> reporter: her party has now abandoned arellano saying she did not have, quote/unquote, an honest means of living. a few days ago she sued alleging gender discrimination and slander. the businesswoman said other political parties have been knocking on her door to offer a platform. for now she said she wants to focus on fighting the battle in her party. >> thanks so much. you love him on the big screen. now tom hanks is returning to the stage.
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>> we are going to put this device on san say snm i'm dr. sanjay gupta. this weekend how wireless health care could change your life. >> it is a more smis indicated way to assess fitdness and allow them to create a plan around their fitness. >> everything is getting more precise. it can help you elongate your career, make it the best it can be. >> i'm interested and fascinated by how much athletes, patients, everyone wants their own data. >> meet dr. leslie saxon sunday on "the next list."
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tom hanks is stepping off the screen and onto the stage for a new role. the actor is preparing for a debut in "lucky guy." hanks plays a new york city tabloid column nis in the 80s. piers morgan sat down with him. >> you have not done a play since 1981. >> the last official play i did was in 1981 in hayward, california. i was a guest artist for my alma mater. it's a junior college. we did "charlie's aunt" directed by herb kennedy. i think we sold out 1500 seats every night. >> on a scale of 1 to 100 how
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nervous are you now? >> ahh! >> a few days from opening night and you haven't had to wow critics for 32 years. >> it's a life. you know, nervousness is not nearly the term. what do you call it when you wake up at 5:00 in the morning with your eyes wide open thinking -- do i have the lines in scene 110 down? when laura comes out on the bed am i supposed to -- that's where the nerves hit around 5:00 in the morning. >> why are you taking what some perceive to be a gamble? you don't need to. you're a huge movie star. you can roll out two great film as year. >> you haven't been on my p.r. lately. we haven't exactly knocked them out. well, primarily it's a great pleasure and a joy of doing it.
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it's the best -- it's the second best job in the world next to being a muck raking tabloid journalist. that's the best job. i will leave that to you. i understand you have to move a lot of boulders to take eight months out of your life in order to do it. my kids are gone. my wife's working. not much is expected of me. off we go. >> how many times have you been properly in love in your life? >> once. with rita. well, as a young man and my family was a diffused one. everybody could tag up and leave when things got tough which is not the concept of long-lasting love. i didn't suffer any brand of abuse or anything. we were scattered. we were tight in our way. but i'm not -- it's no joke. it's naive to say it took me
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until i met my wife rita until i figured out, oh, that's how wonderful it is to make a permanent connection. >> you're in an industry riddled with marriage breakups. you have avoided that. >> that's your job to cover them. let's not take away your bread and butter. all of my friends have been marrerried for years. i understand that. if you went to davenport, iowa or the suburbs of dallas, 50% of the marriages fail. i don't think it's part and parcel. >> is there a secret? >> find the right person. and taking care of each other. >> you can watch piers morgan live weeknights at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. if you don't want to take your chance with a march madness bracket, how about powerball? tonight may be your night to win big. first when travel traveling the way to get a taste of the
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place is through the local food. i-report teamed up with travel and leisure to get a list of ways to eat like a local. here is a sample of indian food from new delhi. >> when i want to eat like a local i come to one of the most crowded areas in the city. you have to come in one of these. delhi is all about street food and this is a narrow street that sells these round flatbreads stuffed with all kinds of oh ingredients. it's a local favorite. what i love is the madness of it all. you feel like you're in the middle of all of this. it doesn't get more authentic than this. [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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>> reporter: there are 45 different types here. i'm going to order the one with chilies, one of the most popular dishes here. thank you. here is my food. for less than a dollar you can get a meal. so the owner of this place. tell me, what makes this place special? >> it was started in 1872 by my forefathers. >> the cooking style is the same for a hundred years? >> yes. this is the process. >> how many people come here every day? >> about a thousand or 1500 people come here. >> so the whole point is not to stuff yourself because this whole street is full of all kinds of delicacies.
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they sell some of the best [ speaking in a foreign language ] in town which is essentially yogurt with water. so the stuff in the guide look book the good for tourists but come here to eat like a local. >> sign me up. i'm ready to go. go to travel and to see which restaurants made the final list. ♪ ♪ ♪
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